Friday 13 March 2015

OMG! Stabbed victim dies screaming for help on way to hospital

There is nothing as traumatic for a family as learning that one of their sons has been stabbed to death without knowing why.
But on Thursday, February 19, 2015 that was exactly what happened to a family at Mazamaza, when they suddenly got a call that 23-year-old Joshua Oni had been stabbed to death.
Reason? No one knows.
Around 11pm that day at 19 Iyekantan Street, Mazamaza are of Lagos, Joshua’s girlfriend who first got to the scene, was told that the deceased suddenly raised the alarm that he had been stabbed by his friend Aniefor.
“He held his neck and was trying to shout for help. All he could say was that Aniefor stabbed him. He did not say why. He was trying to leave the house and walk to the nearest hospital, when he collapsed. He lost so much blood,” a resident, who craved anonymity said.
Residents of the house have maintained that they heard no argument or scuffles during which the deceased could have been stabbed.
The shock of the attack on Joshua only registered when his girlfriend, who was screaming when she got to the scene saw the deep gash in the deceased’s neck.
One of the photographs of the body showed a stabbed wound at least one inch long, which the police said could have been from a butcher knife.
When the police were alerted, the young woman quickly gave them information that she knew the house of Aniefor whose name was the last on the lip of her boyfriend.
But by the time they got to Aniefor’s house, the police suspect fled.
“It is quite surprising because we have questioned the residents of the house and nobody seemed to hear any argument between the two young men that evening,” a police investigator explained.
But residents of the house had said they were sure that they saw Aniefor at the house that day could not say when he left the house.
For the deceased’s father, Mr. Oladele Oni, it is still a shock which he has not been able to comprehend.
He said, in his statement, “I was informed around 1.30am that someone had stabbed my son, my last born to death. I quickly went to his house and indeed saw his corpse.
“His girlfriend had to take us to the house of the Aniefor who they said had stabbed him. But he was not there. We found two of his friends there and they were arrested,” the grieving father said.
But every effort to determine what could have led to the attack on his son has continued to be met with a frustrating “nobody knows.”
The police told Saturday PUNCH that 19-year-old Nurudeen Balogun and 20-year-old Michael Obinna, who were found in Aniefor’s house have both denied knowing the whereabouts of their friends.
But they are still cooling their feet at the Department of Criminal Department, Yaba Lagos, where they are being held for questioning.
Police spokersperson, Mr. Kenneth Nwosu, who confirmed the incident told Saturday PUNCH that detectives are on the trail of the fleeing suspect and would continue to make efforts to bring him to justice.


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