Sunday 29 March 2015

Cult members stab man to death in Ilorin

Three suspected cult members, said to be in their late 20s, have allegedly killed one Abdulrahman Kayode at a residence in the Muyideen Kulende area of Ilorin, Kwara State.
It was learnt that the gang had trailed a lady, Murisade Adebanji, to the building over a disagreement between them.
PUNCH Metro gathered that the cutlass-wielding bandits pounced on Kayode, when he cautioned them to stop harassing their target who was sitting beside him.
Our correspondent was told that the perceived intrusion did not go down well with the assailants as they severally stabbed the deceased until he gave up the ghost at about 10.30pm on March 13. Adebanji reportedly panicked and fled the scene.
It was learnt that two members of the gang, Abdulazeez Asaju, a student, and Sodiq Olabanji, were arrested after Adebanji’s sister, Grace, reported the incident at the Police Division E, Kulende.
According to the police, the suspects are members of Alora confraternity. A locally-made pistol with live cartridges, a knife and an axe were said to have been recovered from the duo.
The suspects were charged with criminal conspiracy and homicide by the police when they appeared before the Ilorin Magistrates’ Courts.
The charges read in part, “That you, Abdulazeez Asaju and Sodiq Olabanji, on March 3, 2015, at about 10.30pm, based on information received at the Division E, Kulende from one Grace Olabanji of the Sango area, Ilorin, that some miscreants came to Green House along Muyideen-Kulende and harassed Murisade Adebanji, who ran away in fear.
“That you, and other members, now at large, criminally conspired and turned violence against Abdulrahman Kayode and stabbed him to death.
“That you are members of Alora cult and when search was conducted on you, one locally-made pistol with live cartridges, one knife and a battle axe, which was used in committing the crime, were recovered from you and thereby committed offences contrary to sections 97 and 224 of Penal Code.”
The presiding magistrate, Mr. Shuaib Saliu, did not take the defendants’ plea as he ordered that they be remanded in custody pending the the Directorate of Public Prosecutions’ advise. Culled


  1. Gloria Nwachukwu30 March 2015 at 02:18

    i sometimes wonder what some cultists gain from killing people. its really a pity that they still kill in this age

  2. What always run through their minds on killing other people? so sad


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