Tuesday 17 March 2015

Hian! Student shot dead by Cultist in Unilag

Na wa oo... Is cultism gradually taking centre stage at the University of Lagos? Hmm... According to twitter user:  (Omo-Mayowa), the young student pic above was reportedly shot dead yesterday around 10pm by suspected cultist at Unilag... Further information has it that the deceased was vying for the post of sports secretary in the student union government (SUG) elections.
The perpetrators should be brought to book, this ugly incident can only be stopped if the killer(s) are brought to justice.
This is really saddening... how can someone's dream be cut short by selfish individuals? :(


  1. Gloria Nwachukwu22 March 2015 at 17:02

    this is so sad........ RIP to him

  2. Gloria Nwachukwu22 March 2015 at 17:03

    this is so sad........ RIP to him


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