Saturday, 14 December 2013

Bizzarre! Baby sold by grandmother

This is hard to understand... a woman in Cross River state has been arrested on suspicion of selling her grandchild for $1,600 equivalent of N253,000.

The victim mother suspects this incident to be an act of child trafficking; it has been alleged that the grandmother sold the baby to an Abuja business tycoon.

According to PMNEWS, the victim's mother said that when she came back home, she asked her mother about her baby daughter but didn't get any reasonable answer from her and she noticed that her mother (suspect) has bought some expensive items that she never had before.

Due to what she saw, she called the police to find out what is really happening, she also said that her mother has never been happy with her immediately she (grandmother) discovered that she (mother) was pregnant and thus suspects fowl play.

Grandmothers are usually happy to have children and grandchildren but this case is completely different.


  1. What a world we live

  2. Grandma wan flex xmas with prada bag n loius boutin shoe kwa... lol... notin we no go hear


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