Saturday 21 December 2013

Khloe-- I want my ASS to look like Kim's

Apparantly Khloe Kardashian have discovered why her infamous or rather famous sister Kim Kardashian is loved by men, especially African-American men... let me not bore you with details of what Kim enjoys from this men and go straight to the main story.

Well, according to rumours around town; Khloe discovered that Kim's ASS is her greatest asset and that's the more reason men can't resist her, so Khloe is trying to do all she can to get that Kim's kinda ASS.

She has most recently been hitting up the gym houses in Los Angeles and we're guessing she is desperately in need of that Kim's ASS so she can keep her rumoured  new-BF Matt Kemp.

We wish her all the best in her quest to achieve that goal....


  1. The only ugly kardashian

  2. Attention whore.. go bang Matt Kemp

  3. If Matt Kemp is smart, he will stay away from Khloe Kardashian. She isn't looking for love, she's looking for meal ticket. She another negative, toxic, sarcastic, superficial, materialistic, two faced, attention whore. Who will sleep with anyone with money, so she can get pregnant. Matt for your own good don't talk, drink or sleep with this woman. You'll be sorry later. Stay focus on your baseball career. Khole Kardashian will do the same to you as she did to Lamar Odam.
    Do your personal homework, and don't iisten to what people tell you.
    Food for thought.

  4. If Matt Kemp is smart, he will stay away from Khloe Kardashian. She isn't looking for love, she's looking for meal ticket. She another negative, toxic, sarcastic, superficial, materialistic, two faced, attention whore. Who will sleep with anyone with money, so she can get pregnant. Matt for your own good don't talk, drink or sleep with this woman. You'll be sorry later. Stay focus on your baseball career. Khole Kardashian will do the same to you as she did to Lamar Odam.
    Do your personal homework, and don't iisten to what people tell you.
    Food for thought.


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