Saturday, 17 January 2015

What are your sources of HAPPINESS?

If you're asked to choose two from the following list, which would you choose?
Religion – though there are many religions out there, it’s true that man has certain needs in terms of his faith to find inner peace and well being. Even an atheist has to find his inner peace and accept it. So many people have endless search in this quest, while others jump to another religion and boom, they feel at home. 
Family – We need to be part of a family. We all need that parenting love or to be a parent. Be it biological or adoptive. Sometimes its not how we wish it, or how your family does not fit the norms of society, but undoubtedly, a family’s love for one is a source of happiness and thus we have to find ways where our family can be beneficial to us. 
Love – Let us not be blinded by the idea that we can live alone. Yes we can, but in our nature as human beings we do long for to have that “Special Someone”. Whether it be the opposite sex or the same (homosexuals), having someone loving you for who you are and accepting you can make one feel like his life actually has meaning. 
Career – lets face it, in reality to survive we must have achieved certain successes to have fulfillment. The more we get successful in what we do, the more we have that sense of self worth and purpose, for those who get rich they can afford to buy the thing they need or want. They have more “Financial freedom”. For those not so rich but still feel there sense of worth and purpose, that in itself is success.
Friends – to be loved and accepted by your friends is a gratifying feeling as well. It gives us great joy to know these people are always there for us. The difference between friends and family is simply, these are people whom you chose. People from the outside that accept you for who are, be it your faults and your quirks.
Oneself – this simply means timeout to do whatever you want to do, whether it’s bumming around, playing your favorite, breaking your record of your longest sleep and pampering yourself. Also with oneself comes health, timeout to keep yourself in tip top shape (whatever shape fits you), your grooming (be it rock, nerdy, cool, eccentric or whatever).
Educational AchievementsCan earning the highest level of education such as doctorate degrees give happiness? For people who derive happiness from learning, knowledge is power. Some successful people have attained high levels of education.
FameFame is also associated with happiness. In sports and various careers, it is translated to victory, winning, and attaining the status of a celebrity. Are famous men and women happy?


  1. This is the most adorable thing have read in a while!

  2. I'll chose my Friends and family!

  3. My Friends and family are inevitable from my life..

  4. They've helped me a lot.. Kudos to them


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